Waterfront Home with Cable Railing To Maximize the View
This is a very nice cable railing job installed using our standard aluminum railing package and 1/8" stainless cable to enhance the look of the system. The following photos show more of the same job. The cable style of railing is very appropriate for this application. The color of the frame was chosen to match the house and complement the deck.
(Click any thumbnail for a closer look.)
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Mailing Address:
7012 27th St. W.
University Place, WA 98466
(253) 272-9344 Direct
(888) 372-9344 Toll Free
(253) 627-3843 Fax
American Metal Specialties provides ready-to-install railings, cable assemblies, and fittings for contractors and do-it-yourself building enthusiasts.
We serve the entire U.S. including Alaska and Hawaii and can arrange shipments internationally.